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Dette kurset har ingen fremtidige kursdato(er) oppført. Bruk skjemaet for å kontakte kursholderen for mer informasjon.
• Basic knowledge of the Working Environment Act
• Roles and responsibilities
• Duties of employer, employees and safety representatives
• Internal control regulations
• Systematic health, environment and safety work
• Requirements regarding the working enviroment
• Working environment cooperation
• Risk assessment
The Web-course includes answering questions and to execute an Risk Assessment
Calculated total time approx 40 Hours
The course-access will be sendt by email when the course is signed up and paid for.
Customer list: Bravida, Multiconsult and Moen Marin.
App, 40 H.
10 questions and Risk Assessment.
Safety representives, employers and members of working environment committees and others involved in HSE work. (40 Hours course).
Se flere kurs fra as ShowMe (7)
40 Kurs i HMS-kurs for verneombud
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